Those of you who are members of abbywinters will already be aware of the podcast (those who are not if you join via my link in the side bar I make a commission. If you don't fancy monthly subscription I am failrly sure pay per scene is back but I am just be starting rumors with that one).
The podcast is actually one of my favorite things I have gotten the chance to experience since starting at abbywinters and ignoring Game of Thrones probably ever since my first break in porn (thank you
Jim slip).
So what is this podcast I here you shamlessly plugging. Well Girls Talk is pretty much that. Along with my lovely producer Irina we have two female guests each week and talk about different (mostly sexual) topics.
By the end of next week we will have made our first run of six shows and then it is in the hands of the gods as to whether they get enough views/listeners to justify making some more (please please please)
We will be putting this up in an MP3 format somewhere soon so it can be listened to on the go as intended but for now we are looking at putting them up as videos. This works out very well for Episode two during which we had a live orgasm when Marleen S tried a magic wand for the first time!
You can check that out here!
Please like and share the video if you enjoy it as the future of the podcast will be decided by the number of views and amount of likes these early episodes get. I think that while each episode is great we are constantly learning how to improve and create a better and better show and it would be so sad if this ended before we hit our A game.
And now a terribly middle class confession. I am a huge listener of radio 4 and when I am older that is my dream job (especially if i can get a spot on woman's hour).
Ok plug over in other news I am a gif!
I have no idea what a gif is or what this is supposed to mean or stand for but I am proud none the less!!!
My final news for this week is a little sad but hopefully only a little. Poppy had a fit earlier this week late one evening. Thanks to my
health and safety training I actually knew what to do during the episode and other than looking a bit confused afterwards she seemed ok. Never the less fits could mean all sorts of horrible things so we dived straight online and got her an appointment at the local vets.
The vets were lovely (a certain spoiled pooch had a very fun day trip getting hugs from small children on trams and having two veterinary nurses feeding her treats and hugs while she had her bloods taken) and they got the results back from the tests within 15 minutes! So Poppy had an epileptic episode and from this there are two outcomes. The first is that it was a one off power surge in her brain and there is little to worry about. If she is going to develop a fuller grade of epilepsy then she will have a second fit with in two weeks. In that case there are drugs that can help to control it. Fingers crossed it was a one off expensive vets visit and all will be well.

I may be a bit on the broody/mental side when it comes to that dog but this week as I am sure you can imagine has been a bit on the hellish side. While I am mid moan I wont go into details but house hunting in Holland still remains something I am apparently incapable of doing and I am at the stage where I am seriously considering offering sexual favors in return for a helpful estate agent!!!