Sunday 16 March 2014

Fruity, Sweaty Shower!

Still getting there, feeling a lot more like Masie at the moment although my first week back at work has knocked me back a little bit.

I hope to be back to me good old dirty self soon but for now here is a short video update on what has happened since I last wrote :)


  1. Nice abs :) Those quick fit programs are notoriously hard to follow properly, which is why the often don't work for people. You got it to work quite nicely I must say! Good job.

    Sweaty porn shoot.. now there's an idea.

  2. Wow Masie Dee,Back to being herself and looking lovely.I don't know about the 6 pack(its a bit Peter Andre)but its good to have you back. Gary (MM) xxx.

  3. mind you I'm still having nightmares about those flipping squirrels!(MM)

  4. Glad to hear you're feeling better. You need to celebrate your hot new body with a scene with the lovely Satine Spark!

  5. Have you ever done any Hardcore Bondage like etc?

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