More spanking for me, this time back in my favourite role as a naughty school girl!
Kylie pointed out thatthis is a very English fetish to have, something I had never really thought about before as I am English. This is not to ay people from else where don't find the school girl role play sexy - of course they do, Kylie knows someone back home who adores this theme. What she meant was that as a community us Brits like this more as a norm than a fetish. We have the St Trinans back ground, lot's of people who buy porn are of a generation who went through strict English school system with the cane and the obeying your slightly evil teachers how could we not all find it sexy?
The video isn't up yet but pease go check out the picture set, I'll let you know when the video is ready to.
Thank's for letting me know this was up Gary xx
As a porn star I get to do a lot of fun naughty things and I thought it would be even more fun to share them. There is a chance some real life might sneek in to.
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Sunday, 18 December 2011
What i'd like for Christmas
As promised here are a few pictures from the shaving shoot I did with sexy Kylie!'m sorry Ican't show you more of the action, I wont know what pictures I still own to we sell some of them to the magazine if that makes sence. Promise to keep you posted though.
If you want to see more of me and Kylie don't dispare we have 38 scenes between us on abbywinters and at the moment they are letting you pay per scene which is pretty good and as an affiliate I will get a percentage of anything you spend if you go through my blog to get to the site - so it's like you are buying me a Christmas gift ! xxx
If you want to see more of me and Kylie don't dispare we have 38 scenes between us on abbywinters and at the moment they are letting you pay per scene which is pretty good and as an affiliate I will get a percentage of anything you spend if you go through my blog to get to the site - so it's like you are buying me a Christmas gift ! xxx
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
What went on last Sunday !
I will post some sexy pictures next week. It was so much fun dipping a toe back in the modelign side and felt really good to take charge and direct for a change as at the wonderful I'm being trained up in there style so am still observing for most of the time.
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Abby Witers Christmas Do
Happy Christmas everyone - i'm really starting to feel that Christmasy vibe now. We had out Christmas party on Friday and it was a blast. I am very sorry that I was unable to get any footage of the actual party in the venue or at the bar we went to afterwards, it was far to dark for my flip and nothing useable came out of the footage I took.
We have free bubbled (my only weakness drinks wise) at the venue work had hired and then danced into the night at a local bar called the Water Wheel. I'm only a small thing so was slightly squiffy when we left the free bar but being a good tight Northener stopped drinking when you had to pay so danced it all off before heading home.
I love myT-shirt it's perfect! So much for me worrying the computer guy who designed my perfect t shirt said he'd been hoping to get myself or Kylie as something pink and cute was always likley to win favoure - I hate that he was right but I will definatly be wearing that to work next week.
We have free bubbled (my only weakness drinks wise) at the venue work had hired and then danced into the night at a local bar called the Water Wheel. I'm only a small thing so was slightly squiffy when we left the free bar but being a good tight Northener stopped drinking when you had to pay so danced it all off before heading home.
I love myT-shirt it's perfect! So much for me worrying the computer guy who designed my perfect t shirt said he'd been hoping to get myself or Kylie as something pink and cute was always likley to win favoure - I hate that he was right but I will definatly be wearing that to work next week.
Monday, 5 December 2011
I drove !!!!
Someone at abbywinters has started unlocking my office door and letting me head out on to set to help with the filming.
This has had some very big plusses for me, not only do I help interview new models but now I have them within arms reach while they are naked!
The most recent hands on action I got was with super sexy American porn star Annabelle Lee - she had an orgasm while resting in my lap, can't wait for the video to come out she is sooooooooooooo hot!
I will be able to give you guys all the behind the scenes knowledge on who is coming up and who fucked who and how! To check all the videos out just click on the picture link at the top of my side bar xx
Last week I stood back as a model filled her pussy with a bottle of water, lay on her back and then flipped up squirting the lot all over a very excited blond - and I get paid!
Today I had to drive the big work van for the first time and despite doing so on the wrong side of the road a few times I only bumped the curb once and no one got hurt ! :o)
This has had some very big plusses for me, not only do I help interview new models but now I have them within arms reach while they are naked!
The most recent hands on action I got was with super sexy American porn star Annabelle Lee - she had an orgasm while resting in my lap, can't wait for the video to come out she is sooooooooooooo hot!
I will be able to give you guys all the behind the scenes knowledge on who is coming up and who fucked who and how! To check all the videos out just click on the picture link at the top of my side bar xx
Last week I stood back as a model filled her pussy with a bottle of water, lay on her back and then flipped up squirting the lot all over a very excited blond - and I get paid!
Today I had to drive the big work van for the first time and despite doing so on the wrong side of the road a few times I only bumped the curb once and no one got hurt ! :o)
Saturday, 3 December 2011
The box game comes back! Or a shamless way to see lots of down blouse action.
For those of you who missed it the first time around please look here - if nothing else it proves that I could do this 5 months ago - maybe I perform better when I have had champaign.
Then this happened . . . .
Then it was a fight to the end . . .
Then this happened . . . .
Then it was a fight to the end . . .
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Getting my arse back in gear!
Hello strangers have you missed me? I'm so sorry for letting the blog slip again, I'm the worst blogger in the world.
I have end of the year syndrome at the moment, the end of year holiday is so close I can almost taste it and thus keep deciding that I therefore must be shattered - why else would I be looking towards that break so longingly?
I have a big 'so what the hell have you been doing if you haven't been on here' update coming soon but in the mean time there are a few things I have finally gotten around to.
I have finally become an affiliate with meaning that if any of you lovely bodies decide to get around to seeing my shoots on there, so long as you click to it via my blog, you are giving me some of the money - yay!
Think of it as charity work, you get to do something you will enjoy and in return I will be able to pay the huge heating bills that come with living with Australian's. It's Kylies first EVER wimnter right now - i'm looking forward to when the proper weather happens and we get Auzzies on ice !
Speaking of the lovely Kylie, do you remeber the scene we did together? Click here for a reminder.
The promised commentry is up for you to see so you can see how we ended up where we did (think it will also be released as an extra on the dvd).
Here's a few pics to wet your appetite and part one of the commentry (you have to go to abby winters to see it in full along with the scene itself).
I have end of the year syndrome at the moment, the end of year holiday is so close I can almost taste it and thus keep deciding that I therefore must be shattered - why else would I be looking towards that break so longingly?
I have a big 'so what the hell have you been doing if you haven't been on here' update coming soon but in the mean time there are a few things I have finally gotten around to.
I have finally become an affiliate with meaning that if any of you lovely bodies decide to get around to seeing my shoots on there, so long as you click to it via my blog, you are giving me some of the money - yay!
Think of it as charity work, you get to do something you will enjoy and in return I will be able to pay the huge heating bills that come with living with Australian's. It's Kylies first EVER wimnter right now - i'm looking forward to when the proper weather happens and we get Auzzies on ice !
Speaking of the lovely Kylie, do you remeber the scene we did together? Click here for a reminder.
The promised commentry is up for you to see so you can see how we ended up where we did (think it will also be released as an extra on the dvd).
Here's a few pics to wet your appetite and part one of the commentry (you have to go to abby winters to see it in full along with the scene itself).
Monday, 28 November 2011
Not dead!
Sorry guys for not updating for ages have been SUPER busy with work and spent this weekend in England at a wedding. Promise I will update soon.
An extra sorry to everyone who got an update telling them I had update my blog and are now disappointed that this is all there is.
Still could be worse . . .
An extra sorry to everyone who got an update telling them I had update my blog and are now disappointed that this is all there is.
Still could be worse . . .

Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Saturday, 12 November 2011
sound punishment
My latest offering for sound punishment is now up for the taking.
A I have said often in the pat, I adore doing spanking work. It's like playing in the school yard again, you are encouraged to improvise and completely immerse yourself in this story. I always get very attached to the characters I play and always try and find ways for them to come up on top and this story was no exception - Masie wins xxx
You can see a trailer here xxxx
You know what it's like, woman in sales hold all the cards, what's a little leg between high buying clients. That's till the fat controller drags you into his office to have it out with you! Poor me, over the knee spanking followed by a hard sharp ruler!
A I have said often in the pat, I adore doing spanking work. It's like playing in the school yard again, you are encouraged to improvise and completely immerse yourself in this story. I always get very attached to the characters I play and always try and find ways for them to come up on top and this story was no exception - Masie wins xxx
You can see a trailer here xxxx
Sunday, 6 November 2011
For Gary - A Masie site
Well you asked me t try and find more porn so here ya go. I do appreciate that lots of you are here for the sex more than the day to day me. I am in a bit of a catch 22 position at the moment. I as getting a bit old for porn so started to look to my future and abby winters were kind enough to take me in. This means I am on the one hand no longer panicing about how I am going to feed myself and pay my bills every month. I aso no longer have seepless nights worrying about the future. However on that second hand I now have a full on full time job in the wrong country so finding and fitting porn is getting hard. Don't go leaving me I love porn, I need to be performing but I aso need to work on my time managment a bit so I can sot it into my life on a more regular bases agn. Saying tha this post could be the answer . . .
The offical Masie site is up but its not quite running properly so I am relucant to plug it just yet. Its looking really good we just haven't sorted out regualr updates etc and I dont want you to think I am messing you about. However they have put up a mini peviw site which I am more than happy to share. I am in touch with the site owners and hope we can sort this out soon so I can tell you all about it as I am quite excited about some of the videos.
The general theme of the site is the diary of a sexual deviant in her day to day life. There's quite alot of solo work on the site as I do tend to wank alot and when ever the chance came up for me to do something with cock I have jumped at the chance.
I am due to start making some more videos for the site soon. If you have any requests for the sort of things you would like to see then please let me know.
Take a look see what you think. xxx
The offical Masie site is up but its not quite running properly so I am relucant to plug it just yet. Its looking really good we just haven't sorted out regualr updates etc and I dont want you to think I am messing you about. However they have put up a mini peviw site which I am more than happy to share. I am in touch with the site owners and hope we can sort this out soon so I can tell you all about it as I am quite excited about some of the videos.
The general theme of the site is the diary of a sexual deviant in her day to day life. There's quite alot of solo work on the site as I do tend to wank alot and when ever the chance came up for me to do something with cock I have jumped at the chance.
I am due to start making some more videos for the site soon. If you have any requests for the sort of things you would like to see then please let me know.
Take a look see what you think. xxx
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Emergency Training at AW
Last week we were sent off for some emergency training, here's how we got on.
I am now abe to help someone who has fallen over, I can flip them right side up and help if they need to sick and do CPR (so long as there is a device).
I had an impossible time trying to decide what music to put behind this one, there were just to many good fire related songs to pick from.
I am now abe to help someone who has fallen over, I can flip them right side up and help if they need to sick and do CPR (so long as there is a device).
I had an impossible time trying to decide what music to put behind this one, there were just to many good fire related songs to pick from.
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Happy Halloween!!
This weekend has been swallowed up with activity so I'm sorry to say you are not getting a Q n A this week (especially because we couldn't think of any questions). However Saturday was a very busy night and we are keen to share away.
It started off as quite a normal night. Kylie stumbled across an advert for zombie walk Amsterdam on youtube and as someone who had taken part in the Australia one, put the word out around work to see who was up for some fun. She is a genius! She spent most of yesterday in a theatre shop buying up latex and costume makeup so she could help to transform us all to the living dead!
It started off as quite a normal night. Kylie stumbled across an advert for zombie walk Amsterdam on youtube and as someone who had taken part in the Australia one, put the word out around work to see who was up for some fun. She is a genius! She spent most of yesterday in a theatre shop buying up latex and costume makeup so she could help to transform us all to the living dead!
The walk itself started off behind wire fences and quite alot of people had turned out to watch the horrors walk by. Some of the makeup jobs were pretty amazing, Kylie got caught by quite few official looking photographers so I'll keep an eye out and put any pictures up that I find.
We were pretty lucky weather wise, it did rain a little bit but it was nice and warm for the time of year and it was a fun shuffle.
Ok so what happened next is a whole moral mine field all by itself. It is also a little ironic if you read the comment left under my last post - I read that just after we had finished our photo shoot.
As Kylie had done such an amazing job with our makeup that we decided on the way home that we simply had to take some pictures on my cannon when we got back. I have been unable to get the pictures off the card as my card reader is playing up so those pictures will follow during the week. Now as we walking to our tram a thought popped into my head and I excitedly asked Kylie and Marcus if we could maybe do some snuff's pictures while we were at it, as its something I have always wanted todo.
The very first porn I ever saw were two magazines we found at the park (i'd have been 15 ish). The first one was a gay mens magazine, i'm glad we found this one as the fact that it did not turn me into a lover of gay male porn means that it was not the magazine that made me have the sexual preferences I have, it's just me in general. The other magazine had an article in it with some pictures of women pretending to be dead and impaled on alters. That was the first erotic image that I had an erotic reaction to, those pictures were so hot to me.
So I cant say I have gone looking for snuff but its an idea I know hits the limitsof my kink factory. I remember being very disappointed by the film 8mm as there was a distinct lack of snuff for a film that promised to be about snuff films.
I think that at this moment I should probably point out that an actual snuff film or even a fake snuff film done well would do nothing but disgust me. This falls into the category of ideas that are so wrong they are sexy as a concept for me but thats it. I wouldn't enjoy seeing it done I just like to think about it while feeling dirty sometimes.
If I do watch stuff at the violent end of my sexual preference it needs to be done in a very specific way. At the beginning of a good rape fantasy video for example there is always a moment where they show you the whole thing is fake and that the porn starts are all in on it and being paid. This is why I don't watch Japanese fantasy porn - either they are very good actresses or they are actually doing the horrible acts and that's not sexy that's horrific!
So on with last night. We had a blast! This was super duper fun. Im not going to share the pictures with you as that may be a little much but we recorded the shoot and I think its quite a fun video.
This morning I woke up and read the article linked under my last blog post and had a big moral debate with Kyle. We came to the conclusion that it was ok for me to put the bellow videos up both because it is not illegal in Holland (we checked) and that if someone already wants to murder someone then they will probably do it anyway if they want to this wont help sway them. I am late for work so don't have time to go into exactly what we talked about but we debated this for over half an hour and went into every possible scenario. I will maybe stick that up later but please don't think I am doing this lightly and without thinking.
So if you are a normal person please leave this post here. If you are curious click on to the next page.
The very first porn I ever saw were two magazines we found at the park (i'd have been 15 ish). The first one was a gay mens magazine, i'm glad we found this one as the fact that it did not turn me into a lover of gay male porn means that it was not the magazine that made me have the sexual preferences I have, it's just me in general. The other magazine had an article in it with some pictures of women pretending to be dead and impaled on alters. That was the first erotic image that I had an erotic reaction to, those pictures were so hot to me.
So I cant say I have gone looking for snuff but its an idea I know hits the limitsof my kink factory. I remember being very disappointed by the film 8mm as there was a distinct lack of snuff for a film that promised to be about snuff films.
I think that at this moment I should probably point out that an actual snuff film or even a fake snuff film done well would do nothing but disgust me. This falls into the category of ideas that are so wrong they are sexy as a concept for me but thats it. I wouldn't enjoy seeing it done I just like to think about it while feeling dirty sometimes.
If I do watch stuff at the violent end of my sexual preference it needs to be done in a very specific way. At the beginning of a good rape fantasy video for example there is always a moment where they show you the whole thing is fake and that the porn starts are all in on it and being paid. This is why I don't watch Japanese fantasy porn - either they are very good actresses or they are actually doing the horrible acts and that's not sexy that's horrific!
So on with last night. We had a blast! This was super duper fun. Im not going to share the pictures with you as that may be a little much but we recorded the shoot and I think its quite a fun video.
This morning I woke up and read the article linked under my last blog post and had a big moral debate with Kyle. We came to the conclusion that it was ok for me to put the bellow videos up both because it is not illegal in Holland (we checked) and that if someone already wants to murder someone then they will probably do it anyway if they want to this wont help sway them. I am late for work so don't have time to go into exactly what we talked about but we debated this for over half an hour and went into every possible scenario. I will maybe stick that up later but please don't think I am doing this lightly and without thinking.
So if you are a normal person please leave this post here. If you are curious click on to the next page.
Saturday, 29 October 2011
Teen Sex Gang Part 2!
Sorry I know this has been a long time coming but here is part two of my visit to the Teen Sex Gang crew.
In part one I put some of the softer pictures, part two is rough sex all the way (and no complaints from Masie).
I'm finally putting this up today as this weeks Q and A will not be going up till Sunday because we are having a very busy Halloween. Satine has not been well which is why he portion of last weeks is yet to go up but hopefuly that will be on line in the next few days as well.
In part one I put some of the softer pictures, part two is rough sex all the way (and no complaints from Masie).
I'm finally putting this up today as this weeks Q and A will not be going up till Sunday because we are having a very busy Halloween. Satine has not been well which is why he portion of last weeks is yet to go up but hopefuly that will be on line in the next few days as well.
Click here for a sexy trailer xxx
Monday, 24 October 2011
A nice relaxing bath
Well after what happened with the swan on my way to work this morning I am sooooo sore. As soon as I got home I ran deep bath and dived in it for half an hour.Decided you might like to join me.
Im sorry that the quality is a bit steamy at the start, one camera fogged up with the heat while the other was protected because of where it was. Still the bubbles in that bath are sooo good!
Im sorry that the quality is a bit steamy at the start, one camera fogged up with the heat while the other was protected because of where it was. Still the bubbles in that bath are sooo good!
I got hit by a swan!
So I was riding my bike to work today when I was hit by a swan!
No I wasn't being a bad English person who dizzily crashing into the bird due to lack of bike skills, the bird flew into the side of my body and took us both down!
I found myself on the floor sharing the underside of my bike with the swan (who looked very confused if not somewhat dead). I bounced up and pulled the bike off the bird terrified that I'd killed it. The bird eventually got up and staggered about for a bit before marching off back to the park on the far side of the road. Now this took place on the bike path in front of everybody, six dutch people stopped to help. I don't know if it was because I was English (silly English girl crashing into swans) or because they love animals in Holland but no one asked how I was, they were all very concerned for this swan. I am yet to decide if that's a good thing or not. One lady eventually asked if I was ok once it was clear the bird was fine and I said yes. i am now sat at work and the bloody adrenaline has kicked in and my hands are shaking (sucks to be a women). I have a scrape on my knee and a random small cut on the side of my foot. Kylie was very sweet helping me clean it with anti septic wipe however also thought this was hilarious! One of the guys I work with pointed out that they use swans for the KLM advert.
I'm sorry I didn't have my camera with me but I promise every word is true.
No I wasn't being a bad English person who dizzily crashing into the bird due to lack of bike skills, the bird flew into the side of my body and took us both down!
I found myself on the floor sharing the underside of my bike with the swan (who looked very confused if not somewhat dead). I bounced up and pulled the bike off the bird terrified that I'd killed it. The bird eventually got up and staggered about for a bit before marching off back to the park on the far side of the road. Now this took place on the bike path in front of everybody, six dutch people stopped to help. I don't know if it was because I was English (silly English girl crashing into swans) or because they love animals in Holland but no one asked how I was, they were all very concerned for this swan. I am yet to decide if that's a good thing or not. One lady eventually asked if I was ok once it was clear the bird was fine and I said yes. i am now sat at work and the bloody adrenaline has kicked in and my hands are shaking (sucks to be a women). I have a scrape on my knee and a random small cut on the side of my foot. Kylie was very sweet helping me clean it with anti septic wipe however also thought this was hilarious! One of the guys I work with pointed out that they use swans for the KLM advert.
I'm sorry I didn't have my camera with me but I promise every word is true.
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Sexy Saturday Q&A 7
This may have been recorded on Thursday night but the sentiment and love is the same. Hope you enjouy our special guest this week.
BE sure to go find Kylies Answers here
You have to watch Satines video to get why the bellow picture is here but once you have seen her video please guess away (I will put a link on here as soon as she gets around to adding her video) - I have found a few more pictures from that day which I will add next week. xx
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Sexy Saturday Q&A Episode 6
Saturday and definatly not hung over, I have spent today as a tourist and have had the most wonderful time - it has been a crisp sunny cold day over here, perfect.
Kylies had trouble with her blog today which is why this so late.
Kylies had trouble with her blog today which is why this so late.
Saturday, 8 October 2011
Sorry this is late x
Sorry this is so late up, we have had a very lax none eventful Saturday.
Here is the first story I spoke about. I'm sorry to say that I cant find the other one (if you ever come across it please send me a link) but I am stupidly turned on right now as I had to read so many other story titles and their premises to do my search. Off for a wanks but before you join me go check out Kylies answers xxx
PS I hope you dont think less of me after todays answers, just because I can be a bit flippant about how many people must wank over me doesnt mean I dont really appreciate the indivuals or indeed how lucky I am that that is the case at all. Id be lost on my own thats sort of the point, I need this so I can remind myself that I'm good enough in general when ever life gets hard. x
Here is the first story I spoke about. I'm sorry to say that I cant find the other one (if you ever come across it please send me a link) but I am stupidly turned on right now as I had to read so many other story titles and their premises to do my search. Off for a wanks but before you join me go check out Kylies answers xxx
PS I hope you dont think less of me after todays answers, just because I can be a bit flippant about how many people must wank over me doesnt mean I dont really appreciate the indivuals or indeed how lucky I am that that is the case at all. Id be lost on my own thats sort of the point, I need this so I can remind myself that I'm good enough in general when ever life gets hard. x
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
In a good place
It suddenly dawned on me while cycling home that i'm either a very sad person or a very lucky one - how so I hear you cry. Well porn is both my job and my hobby.
I love porn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To begin with I got to experience the vain exstacy of being a free lance model, driving up and down the country having sex on camera, trying out everything, discoving new sexual kinks while getting a wider chance to explore the ones I suspected I had. Then I started to do camera work for Red Hot Tv and Daves Young Sluts and was allowed to throw my own creative slant on things, and I loved that to. There is nothing greater than having a sexual kink in your head and then engenering a shoot so that other people can visualise what has pleased me in my mind. The ideas I would wank to in my head are now out there for other people to share and wank to. Its amazing when you think about it. And now in my old age I find myself working for one if not the greatest erotica companies, helping to create award winning porn! On top of that I have VOU and Masie Dees Diaries sat in the corner waitin for me to find time, I am in porn heaven.
The thing is I am also very very greedy. I need all of it to be happy, some is not enough. When I am at AW they get my all, I work my balls off for them and am very very happy to do so as the emotinal rewards are huge and its a fantastic environment to be in, it's almost enough. But there is this part of me that misses the thrill of being in the lights, I need it, i'm happily the vainest person I know and am very proud of this characteristic. What happens at AW stays at AW, they are masters of their art and I aint telling but porn me, she's prettty damn good at her stuff all on her own and still wants to use her holidays to perform.
On that note. Do you remember that I went to shoot for Teen Sex Gang just before I left England? Well they have sent me some pictures to share with you, what do you think? I should have a few more to stick up during the week xx
I love porn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To begin with I got to experience the vain exstacy of being a free lance model, driving up and down the country having sex on camera, trying out everything, discoving new sexual kinks while getting a wider chance to explore the ones I suspected I had. Then I started to do camera work for Red Hot Tv and Daves Young Sluts and was allowed to throw my own creative slant on things, and I loved that to. There is nothing greater than having a sexual kink in your head and then engenering a shoot so that other people can visualise what has pleased me in my mind. The ideas I would wank to in my head are now out there for other people to share and wank to. Its amazing when you think about it. And now in my old age I find myself working for one if not the greatest erotica companies, helping to create award winning porn! On top of that I have VOU and Masie Dees Diaries sat in the corner waitin for me to find time, I am in porn heaven.
The thing is I am also very very greedy. I need all of it to be happy, some is not enough. When I am at AW they get my all, I work my balls off for them and am very very happy to do so as the emotinal rewards are huge and its a fantastic environment to be in, it's almost enough. But there is this part of me that misses the thrill of being in the lights, I need it, i'm happily the vainest person I know and am very proud of this characteristic. What happens at AW stays at AW, they are masters of their art and I aint telling but porn me, she's prettty damn good at her stuff all on her own and still wants to use her holidays to perform.
On that note. Do you remember that I went to shoot for Teen Sex Gang just before I left England? Well they have sent me some pictures to share with you, what do you think? I should have a few more to stick up during the week xx
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Another Sexy Saturday
The guys at work intorduced us to Aussie Rules football and very fittingly for Chloe's last weekend in Amsterdam her team made it to the final of their big trophy thing and won, just for her! Afterwards I watched England forget how to play rugby against Scotland who were on fire! In all fairness they probably deserved to win but thems not the rules and as I said over on AW boards, mucking up and playing as useless underdogs is sort of our thing.
Maken sure you check out Kylies answer today as we got massivly side tracked and ended up having a chat about porn. Please click here.
I almost forgot, on the way home this afternoon I ran into a riot. I was passing the square and saw lots of riot police. I stopped to get my camera out and three poilce vans pulled up in front of me! Now the police seemed a bit relaxed to me so either they were all playing up to the chilled out Dutch steriotypes or it was being filmed for tv etc. There were alot of casual large lookign cameras. I will let you have more news when I know.
Friday, 30 September 2011
Guess what?!
Guess who's new website has gone live!
Do you remember how I was talking about how I was working on two projects, a hard core filth one and a softer more educational one. Well filth was ready first!
I don't actually own this site, its owned and run by the guys who have chavley court and the chav van. Its funny if you google me those sites are usually the first things that show up. Everybody at AW knows me as Masie Dee Chav Slut as thats all they could find when they did their research on me.
I have no idea how I have managed to land on my feet quite so perfectly with this one. They run and pay for the site but I make all the content and send it in. So in short I get to come up with the dirtiest things I can think of, film them, get paid and sit back ready to watch others enjoy it.
Do you remember how I was talking about how I was working on two projects, a hard core filth one and a softer more educational one. Well filth was ready first!
I don't actually own this site, its owned and run by the guys who have chavley court and the chav van. Its funny if you google me those sites are usually the first things that show up. Everybody at AW knows me as Masie Dee Chav Slut as thats all they could find when they did their research on me.
I have no idea how I have managed to land on my feet quite so perfectly with this one. They run and pay for the site but I make all the content and send it in. So in short I get to come up with the dirtiest things I can think of, film them, get paid and sit back ready to watch others enjoy it.
Its still a very new site so we are still working on its look and feel. I will start to shower you in filthy trailers from next week as its so nice to see some really dirty porny porn again. Its funny I love working at Abby Winters and its definatly a great creative outlet. I was allowed out on a shoot last night and loved it, we got some amazingly arty pictures and the model was amazing - erotica at its best. But I need both to be happy and i'm so grateful that thanks to the Chavley boys I really am having my cake and eating it! xxxxxxxxxxxx
Saturday, 24 September 2011
Sexy Saturday times
Thats actually a bit of a misleading title as if today is Saturday, then i'm in England for the weekend visitng my family, so we filmed this on Thursday night.
Other wise this is just like any other Saturday, you ask the question we answer it. My answer is bellow, to see Kylies thoughts click on the link. Technically you should watch her answer first this week as I make reference to it in mind. Enjoy xx
Kylies answer is HERE
Thank you for all the questions you have sent in so far. Plase keep them coming and we will work our way through all of them till you tell us you are bored xx
Other wise this is just like any other Saturday, you ask the question we answer it. My answer is bellow, to see Kylies thoughts click on the link. Technically you should watch her answer first this week as I make reference to it in mind. Enjoy xx
Kylies answer is HERE
Thank you for all the questions you have sent in so far. Plase keep them coming and we will work our way through all of them till you tell us you are bored xx
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Sunday, 18 September 2011
A week in the life of an AW worker
I know I keep saying that I am to busy with work at the moment to do all the rude things I would normally be happily sharing with you, so thought it was about time I showed you what I have been busy doing.
To add a bit of context to what you are about to see, on Thursday we had to run a few AW chores on our way home and the problems we had on Wednesday were my fault, I had been abusing my desk top!
I have now offically organised a visit home at the start of October which means I will be able to pick up my camera, which means lots of sexy updates will start to follow xx
To add a bit of context to what you are about to see, on Thursday we had to run a few AW chores on our way home and the problems we had on Wednesday were my fault, I had been abusing my desk top!
I have now offically organised a visit home at the start of October which means I will be able to pick up my camera, which means lots of sexy updates will start to follow xx
Saturday, 17 September 2011
Sexy Saturday Q&A
Another weekend another set of questions - We really struggled to come up with a question this week so its in your best interests to help us out in the comments. Sorry its a bit dark we went
For Kylies answers click here!
For Kylies answers click here!
Sunday, 11 September 2011
Babes on Bikes
Yesterday we finally went and got ourselves some bikes! Gaz, Imp and Ethel are now tucked away in our lock up, ready to make my bum go all fabulous, my thighs hopfuly to just go and to save me money as I wont have to pay for any more trams.
If you ever need a bike go to the pirate bike people, they were lovely and so helpful. I am now the proud owner of a second hand bike for 99 euro and I got them to put a crate on the front so Poppy will be able to ride up front when she's over. Now I have not been on a bike since I was 15 and its alot lot harder as an adult for some reason. Riding home yesterday (especially once the crate was on as it made the balance go all funny) I was convinced I was going to get hurt. If it had been just me on the road i'd have been fine but every time someone wizzed past i'd panic and wobble and then start to fall. I ran into a very understanding group of 6 women in town and a man crashed into me while I was waiting to cross the road near the park!
More worryingly was how saddle sore I was this morning. I think years of horse riding saved me from the full dose of pain I was supposed to have, as my bum has built up a nice tolerance ( all the spanking shoots probably haven't hurt either) but ooh my poor crotch is all bruised!
Still as every good horse rider knows if things go wrong get straight back on and i'm very glad we did, riding to the shops and back this morning I felt alot safer than yesterday.
The true test will come in rush hour tomorrow - take a good look at my face and try and rememebr it that way as I cant promise it will be remaining in that shape for long :) xxxx
If you ever need a bike go to the pirate bike people, they were lovely and so helpful. I am now the proud owner of a second hand bike for 99 euro and I got them to put a crate on the front so Poppy will be able to ride up front when she's over. Now I have not been on a bike since I was 15 and its alot lot harder as an adult for some reason. Riding home yesterday (especially once the crate was on as it made the balance go all funny) I was convinced I was going to get hurt. If it had been just me on the road i'd have been fine but every time someone wizzed past i'd panic and wobble and then start to fall. I ran into a very understanding group of 6 women in town and a man crashed into me while I was waiting to cross the road near the park!
More worryingly was how saddle sore I was this morning. I think years of horse riding saved me from the full dose of pain I was supposed to have, as my bum has built up a nice tolerance ( all the spanking shoots probably haven't hurt either) but ooh my poor crotch is all bruised!
Still as every good horse rider knows if things go wrong get straight back on and i'm very glad we did, riding to the shops and back this morning I felt alot safer than yesterday.
The true test will come in rush hour tomorrow - take a good look at my face and try and rememebr it that way as I cant promise it will be remaining in that shape for long :) xxxx
Saturday, 10 September 2011
A new Saturday tradition
This is a new Saturday tradition I decided to start today.
Kylies Answers are - HERE
Make sure you leave your questions for us in the comments, either bellow my video or Kylies xxxx
Kylies Answers are - HERE
Make sure you leave your questions for us in the comments, either bellow my video or Kylies xxxx
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Today at Abby Winters
Oh my goodness we had the best day in the office today. As my boss Chloe B is due to leave soon she had an amazing package arrive at work today. We all crowded around and insisted that she open it straight away!
This next bit is a new segment i'm thinking of calling foreign people and twiglets!
Whenever I eat twiglets I always think of that Mr Bean episode where he has his two friends, Rupert and Hupert over for new years and makes twiglets by getting twigs and dipping them in marmite. That episode is still one of the saddest things I have ever seen and will still make me cry 9 / 10.
Does any body from England remember the very very old twiglet advert where there are some people in a lift and it breaks down. They look up and the ceiling is covered in twiglets. This scared me so much as a child that I wouldnt go in a lift for 6 months! Bless my mum for being so understanding as this meant when we went to our local Safeways (blast from past there) to do the big weekly shop she had to struggle up two flights of stairs with three kids and all the shopping to the car park.
I'm very excited as tomorrow I've been asked out of the office to help assist with the filming!
This next bit is a new segment i'm thinking of calling foreign people and twiglets!
Whenever I eat twiglets I always think of that Mr Bean episode where he has his two friends, Rupert and Hupert over for new years and makes twiglets by getting twigs and dipping them in marmite. That episode is still one of the saddest things I have ever seen and will still make me cry 9 / 10.
Does any body from England remember the very very old twiglet advert where there are some people in a lift and it breaks down. They look up and the ceiling is covered in twiglets. This scared me so much as a child that I wouldnt go in a lift for 6 months! Bless my mum for being so understanding as this meant when we went to our local Safeways (blast from past there) to do the big weekly shop she had to struggle up two flights of stairs with three kids and all the shopping to the car park.
I'm very excited as tomorrow I've been asked out of the office to help assist with the filming!
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
More sexy updates
My goodness there are 66 of us now on this blog (well 68 if you count me and Poppy) Thanks so much to you al flor taking the time to read my ramblings and look at ,my pictures and videos (especially if you find some of the m sexual exciting). In all seriousnessd this wouldn't work with out you and I am really grateful x
I may be sitting on the last video I flashed your way but the video I did with Gaby is now up on the site so please go and check out the trailer here.
I was blown away by how sexy she is in these stills her body looks incredible ! I watched the video late on Saturday night and really enjoyed it. ITs very difference to usual AW videos becuase we kept getting caught so couldnt take all our clothes off and had to do lots of short sharp bursts of sex then covering up rather than doing one long extended session like usual. I personally think it adds a great deal to the video but I know it wont be foreveryone, it depends it you favour story over sex or not.
Still here to wet you appertite -
You can see the behind the scenes of this shoot here
Sorry I am a bit behind again with updates and that i'm no really keeping up to date with anything here but I promise to get on it soon xx
I may be sitting on the last video I flashed your way but the video I did with Gaby is now up on the site so please go and check out the trailer here.
I was blown away by how sexy she is in these stills her body looks incredible ! I watched the video late on Saturday night and really enjoyed it. ITs very difference to usual AW videos becuase we kept getting caught so couldnt take all our clothes off and had to do lots of short sharp bursts of sex then covering up rather than doing one long extended session like usual. I personally think it adds a great deal to the video but I know it wont be foreveryone, it depends it you favour story over sex or not.
Still here to wet you appertite -
You can see the behind the scenes of this shoot here
Sorry I am a bit behind again with updates and that i'm no really keeping up to date with anything here but I promise to get on it soon xx
Sunday, 4 September 2011
An actual with sex in it update!
If you couldn't quite make out what we were saying on the bridge I very innocently said that I might like to come back as a duck in my next life as they like the rain, don't have any responsibilities, have noteably adorable off spring and people come and feed them for pleasure. Jenna replied asking if I also wanted to get raped by all the male ducks - enough has been said on this subject but I thought it was funny.
We did the video and then did the stills after lunch. I tend to find that the sexual urgency fades once I have done video or stills with a model but despite having already had sex for the video these stills were furious and frantic. Adam kept reminding me that this was the last time I'd ever get to enjoy Jenna sexually and I wanted to get every once of pleasure from the experience I could because she truly is amazing.
I have high hopes for this video but I'm sorry you probably wont be able to see if for ages! You may have noticed that AW has become the Masie and Kylie show recently. Lots of our new updates have been going up as we are staff now and should know better than to shag all the models. This scene is so good I have asked them to sit on it for a while so we can use it as a reminder that I'm still sexy after I have been office bound and forgotten for a while.
Saturday, 3 September 2011
Polly Ann Marie - part two
I'm so sorry it has taken me so long to stick part two up. I went back over to Ireland on Wednesday evening and came back at silly oclock on Friday so haven't had chance. Heres part two of my behind the scenes chat at AW. Will stick another blog up tomorrow and start fill you in on what I have been up to of late xx
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Polly Ann Marie - part one
Every time I think I know it all I end up on an Abby Winters shoot and meet yet another model who's life just blows me away. Sad times if you were searching for some rude things but this was one of the most interesting meets of my life, these two girls are gold. They ended up doing a great masterbaition video and while I was there I did a solo masterbaition video in the kitchen which will go up later this week - i'll remind you when you can watch it xx
Sunday, 28 August 2011
Sex with Kylie H
I Finally got to work with Kylie!
We were both pretty nakered from our first days work so grabbed an early night after going to our favouirte Italian and indulging in oven baked cheesey pasta for five euros each. The hotel we stayed in had pushed the two single beds together and it was a bit strange sleeping so close to someone I have been waiting to experience. We joked about having a practise go but ended up lying in bed watching tv. A quick note on tv over here, you get no warning that adverts or the next show are about to start its the strangest thing. We were watching the love guru then suddenly with out warning the guru started straight after with out any credits and it took us ages to work out we were watching a new film. Later that evening we were watching modern family and it suddenly broke into the sex channels - ' Sexaphone!'
We arrivd in a bit of a blur the morning of the shoot as we had forgotten to change to Dutch time when setting the alarm the night before but after such a long wait to get our hands on each other there was no way we were going to drag things out any longer by being late!
We really hit it off the first time we met in the dam so much so that she'd asked me if I would shoot her first g/g video for AW. Things didn't work out so Satine mussled in on the action (hello Satine I miss you) and this was the first visit we were both free to come over at the same date after that. Jakie decided that as we were so keen to dive in we could do the video before the stills and after soldiering through our pre shoot interviews we exploded into an amazing shoot.
To try and stop us from just ripping each others clothes off I had been told to act in a huff because she had slept with Satine and not me, which was fun as its always funny to pretend to be mad at Satine (bitch) and it was nice to still be talking about her now we are living in different countries. Kylie ended up dragging me to her love camp and tying me up so Id join in and she had me good - she even dragged the look from me!
You can view the trailer here. I should really become an affiliate before I tell you this but if you have been umming and ahhing about checking Abby Winters out this could be a good month to do it. I already have 15 videos up on their site with two more due to be released this week. I'll be sure to put some sneaky videos and links to all the new trailers as they come out butif you can i'd goand see them in full at source. x
Hope those of you that get one enjoy the bank holiday, will try and get more up soon xx
We were both pretty nakered from our first days work so grabbed an early night after going to our favouirte Italian and indulging in oven baked cheesey pasta for five euros each. The hotel we stayed in had pushed the two single beds together and it was a bit strange sleeping so close to someone I have been waiting to experience. We joked about having a practise go but ended up lying in bed watching tv. A quick note on tv over here, you get no warning that adverts or the next show are about to start its the strangest thing. We were watching the love guru then suddenly with out warning the guru started straight after with out any credits and it took us ages to work out we were watching a new film. Later that evening we were watching modern family and it suddenly broke into the sex channels - ' Sexaphone!'
We arrivd in a bit of a blur the morning of the shoot as we had forgotten to change to Dutch time when setting the alarm the night before but after such a long wait to get our hands on each other there was no way we were going to drag things out any longer by being late!
Dont you think that first set of pictures looks like one of those dodgie photo stories you get in bad news papers on in teenage magazines - love it!
We really hit it off the first time we met in the dam so much so that she'd asked me if I would shoot her first g/g video for AW. Things didn't work out so Satine mussled in on the action (hello Satine I miss you) and this was the first visit we were both free to come over at the same date after that. Jakie decided that as we were so keen to dive in we could do the video before the stills and after soldiering through our pre shoot interviews we exploded into an amazing shoot.
To try and stop us from just ripping each others clothes off I had been told to act in a huff because she had slept with Satine and not me, which was fun as its always funny to pretend to be mad at Satine (bitch) and it was nice to still be talking about her now we are living in different countries. Kylie ended up dragging me to her love camp and tying me up so Id join in and she had me good - she even dragged the look from me!
You can view the trailer here. I should really become an affiliate before I tell you this but if you have been umming and ahhing about checking Abby Winters out this could be a good month to do it. I already have 15 videos up on their site with two more due to be released this week. I'll be sure to put some sneaky videos and links to all the new trailers as they come out butif you can i'd goand see them in full at source. x
Hope those of you that get one enjoy the bank holiday, will try and get more up soon xx
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