Sunday, 20 February 2011

Is the cat out of the bag?

I am being naughty and showing you some pictures from my solo set so more of you can answer my blood related question. I know that this being one of my later hairy shoots, the hair may put some of you off more than the blood, so please try your hardest not to let it cloud your answers.
I wasn't going to talk about this solo video in full till later on but it is one of my top two shows for Abby Winters (no prizes for which I think was the best).

I am having a lazy breakfast when my mum calls and reminds me that she is coming to visit later that day and I have completely forgotten. Having blagged my way through the conversation, I then have a mad panic tidy of my kitchen on my hands. In rushing the washing up my top gets splashed so that has to come off and I then get distracted throwing my cloths into the laundry basket, before deciding to make a mini video of me trying to fit in the basket (its a tight but impressive squeeze). You know my philosophy that all tasks should be rewarded, so as the room starts to look more and more tidy, I start giving my self sexual rewards culminating in me using the washing up brush as a dildo (all good fun) Here's a link to the trailer and I really recommend watching the full movie (and looking through the story board of pictures as there are some really great ones) if you are able.

Click for the trailer


  1. Hi Masie,

    A thoroughly enjoyable video, exceedingly sexy, funny another tour de force.

    As for the blood my view is why not, its natural and AW espouses that ethos. It's not completely new territory for in the past shoots have shown tampons and tampon strings and there is an IM from Sue-Ann (1/2/2009) shot when she had her period and she talks about it whilst playing and if memory is correct sucks her fingers (Must re-visit :) ) So, for me, the shots do not detract but add to the already high quality of the stills set.


  2. Blood is a tad too vampiric for my tastes but it's a matter of perspective so I would have thought a far more useful approach would be to participate in work you enjoy, thus making work more enjoyable. I appreciate you have to factor in what we like, but I personally prefer knowing that you're experimenting with what you like. I'll just cherry pick the scenes I like.

    Looking forward to site launch (pathetically). I'd be interested to read a post detailing the site i.e. elaborating on the schoolgirl "clue".

    I wish my dog would enjoy the snow as much as Poppy.
    Hope you're well.


  3. The site update you're about to get so I wont answer that here.

    I am already very clear that I never take on work that I dont enjoy, thats a pointless exerciese for everybody concerned as if im not having fun it will show and the scene or what ever it is wont sell. I like to kinow what other people think because its a usful gage of what out of what I am already enjoying I should do more of, especially now the sitesare coming on thick and fast (ooh just how I like it).

    Poppyiscrackers for snow and I realy do get a huge amount of joy from seeing her in it. She deos however hate water to the point where she gose balistic if she sees other dog s going in and out of it, she lets out her panic bark till they get out safley - maybe theres money to be made as a life guard so long as no one needs saving.

    Thanks to both of you for answering, im such a curious person and dont cover everything. xx

  4. I usually shave before photos, but I like your bush

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