Wednesday, 16 February 2011

New Abby Winters and rude on the beach

I came on today to tell you all about the new double IM that's just gone up on Abby Winters only to find a new solo photo sets has gone up to. I have just written to them asking if I am able to show you some of the pictures for free on here so I will talk about that tomorrow but please go and check out the trailer for the IM as soon as you are able.

Click for a sexy free trailer

This time I was paired with Leandra and we were told simply to have fun and cum. She has a very hot body and it was so lovely watching her moan at the end while I stroked her face and boob. I had a very strange fantasy during this, those who watch, feedback as always is welcomed but please be aware that I cant help how my slightly twisted mind works. I haven't had time to watch the video yet but I'll be curious to see how they cut it. Poor Leandra wasn't very well and had a huge coughing fit half way through, which then gave us the giggles, then the house phone started ringing - didn't put us off though, once we had calmed down we really threw ourselves into it. 

I spent today in Leeds shooting for a new stocking website and did four amazing videos (if I do say so myself) These included a sexy estate agent, who does a strip tease to sell a house and preparing for an adult ballet class and trying to work out why they sent me a dildo - that one got very creative (answers on a postcard), I decided maybe it was something to suck on so I didnt talk. Again I have asked if I can have some pictures when they are ready and will give you a heads up when the site goes live.

Here are a few more holiday snaps to finish xx


  1. Hi Masie,

    Not just that splendid DIM with your hilarious handwritten comments but also an outstanding solo set, the stills are superb and the video is up later today. I better fit a seatbelt to my chair!!


  2. I must admit I am really really looking forward to this solo video it felt good at the time (not always a good sign when your photographer keeps cracking up but in this case I think it was fine). I dnt aways look back at my pictures but I was quiet proud of my wheel ofkitchen kinks. I was suprised but please they were able to leave all teh blood in the pictures though - Abby Winters really is home of firsts I can honestly say I had never tasted that before that day and had definatly not used it for printing. x

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