Thursday, 31 March 2011

When things get hard, bake!

I should have been landing in Hungry twenty minutes ago. These things happen and I'm still looking forward to going over as soon as they shake this flipping flu but in good Masie Dee style I'd already spent the money before earning it and now find myself broke with an empty diary - but lots and lots of cake. The cinnamon and nutella cakes were the best, the chocolate spread in the middle cooks into the worlds nicest chocolate chip with an after taste of hazelnut ummmmm.

Anyone want to buy a cake?

Masie xxx


  1. They look bloody delicious Masie, you're a woman of many talents. Drop me off a couple next time you have a shoot in Sheffield? We can negotiate on the price (payment in kind, maybe!) xx

  2. Yummy Masie Deelicious

    A pity about Hungary hopefully the lurgie afflicting the country will soon pass and you find your plane ticket. If your like me you've put it some place safe, in fact so safe even you don't know where!!

    tom xxx

  3. I know exactly where my plane ticket is but the dates gone so its now just an expensive piece of paper i bought for the fun of it I will have to buy a new ticket when Im allowed out.

    John your naughty boy how could even think of 'kind' when there were cakes to be eaten you need to work on your priorities!

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