Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Best day of the year!!!

In other quick news I was back in Ipswich today doing some more retro glamour stuff and a tiny bit of kidnap light bondage. It was an amazing day despite the 6am drive and I will go through details properly in a few days when I have some pictures to show you. On my way home I was so happy and the sky looked so pretty I had to share it with you.

Ok now for me news.


  1. Cha-ching - very glad to hear you're not going to court. Seems criminal that we (society) drag nice people to court for a little money.

    With regards to a previous post - I asked why the industry keeps projects secret, why I asked that I'm still not sure, what I meant to ask was whether you are contractually obliged to keep stuff stum, or is it just part of "the code".

    Also is that a Chilean flag? Have fun at the farm, and good luck.

  2. Yay, so glad it's all sorted hun and you're getting on an even financial keel. You treat yourself to a day of pampering or something next week, you deserve a treat after working that hard.

    Hope Bert's doing ok. Speak soon xxx

  3. Im am not quite into treate teritory yet but I may have a bar of chooclate on the way to work tomorrow to add that extra spring to my step.

    Its a Texas flag! Thats where I want to retire, for me that place is perfect. I am watching Friday night lights at the moment (which is amazing for so many reasons I highly recommend)and the general feel and layout of Texas are so pleasing for me.

    Regarding secrets I assume some people may be put in a position to keep things quiet but I have never been asked to keep stum. xx

    I am so tierd after a days farm work in the cold. Bert is fine and seemed please to see me (if not a little shocked) and Poppy had far to much fun playing with the Puppies. I have some video which I will stick up with my next batch of stuff. Becasue of today I cant see me getting a naked news up this week I just dont have time. Im a little cross with myself about thsi but I left the house at 9 and its now 10.30 and I have just got in and am yet to cook any dinner and am in London all day shooting tomorrow. I think I'll try and do my porn oppt in special mid next week to make up for it. xx

  4. Don't wear yourself out hun, I'm sure we can do without a Naked News if it means you're busy doing porn! xx

  5. PS thank you for nagging at me to watch Deadwood. Just finished the second season and it's brilliant. May have to watch Friday Night Lights if it's as good as you say x

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