Saturday, 22 December 2012

Porno news

Hello campers! It has been a busy week in porno land this week and the most important news is that UK readers of my blog wont have to ring up their internet providers and seek permission in order to keep on reading.

I won't bang on as I had a right old rant when this law was first mentioned as something to be looked into but this would have been wrong! Of the 3500 parents consulted in a public interest survey only 35% wanted an automatic ban with 15%  wanting some content filtered and an option to block out other things. 

In lighter news the next of my podcast Girl's Talk is now on you tube click here for that.  This episode we are talking about anal sex:; what is it, how can we do it safely how do you talk your partner into it etc! Give it a listen and let me know what you think. 

Once you have checked that out you have to go and view the shoot I did with goddess Annabelle Lee!

           Pants slide over a perfect ass, warm from it's spanking. Pubic hair peaks from the side of excited labia lips, Annabelle Lee waiting to be instructed to touch herself.
From the warmth of her bath, Annabelle describes her ultimate sexual fantasy so vividly that it comes to life. Her small breasts are exposed by a strangers hands, her movements dictated to the smallest of details, inserting fingers in order of instruction. With her eyes blind folded her other senses grow in strength as she builds towards a heady, sexually fulfilling climax.

Let this be my Christmas present for you to buy for you! Annabella tells the story of her sexual fantasy in which a friend breaks into her apartment and forces sex onto her. Now right off you can see that we share the same sexual tastes and I was instantly turned on. Although I am not dominant in the bedroom especially during role play/fantasy situations, the role of the dom is one I have voiced in my own head many times before so I knew that all I had to do to turn Annabelle on was to voice them out loud. It was like being inside a story, we both fully immersed ourselves into the story and it was hot! If I was to describe my dream job it would be telling those kind of stories like that everyday!

The scene can be found by clicking here, go to the front page and you want mystery shoot 13. You can now pay per scene on abbywinters so it should be just a few dollars.  Personally I place it in the top three sexiest films I have ever been in. 

Speaking of things with good story lines a friend of mine has just put their first story on literotica. This is a somewhat disturbing sexual take on the children's film 'Bedkobs and broomsticks' but if you are in the mood for a sexual fantasy full of taboo then give this a try. 


  1. Crikey Masie! There's loads to go at here.Should keep us all busy over the holiday.Love from Garyxxx.

  2. Porn is as old as the hills, they'll never be able to get rid of it entirely. People will always find a way.

    Just let us enjoy it, there's far more important things to worry about than tits and ass!

    Have a great 2013

    Dogbee signing off xxx

  3. you are beautiful , as well as your article, very interesting!
    you can my article in going and leave your comment please!

  4. Good news about that law, nobody is going to hold Masie down. Well not without consent anyway ;-) It also nice to hear all the practicing in your head wasn't in vain. Good move to get as close as possible to Annabelle while shooting her. Smart girl you are ;)

  5. Masie first saw you on a doggin mission amazed will follow you on twitter top girl

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